Market monitoring

Signals are sent when month-to-month price increases reach a newly high level not seen in previous months.


The World Food Programme (WFP) produces a Global Market Monitor dataset that monitors food prices in markets across a range of countries globally. The Global Market Monitor provides information on price changes for the most commonly consumed staples and their potential impacts on the cost of a basic food basket. For more details, please refer to the 'Methodology & Data' page at this link. The Global Market Monitor follows a standardized methodology to calculate the impacts of price changes on the cost of a basic food basket for cross-country comparability. Global Market Monitor figures might differ from those presented in local market monitoring reports.

Subnational price data from a range of markets on core food basket items are aggregated to produce a national-level cost of food basket dataset.

Data is aggregated monthly, and when comparisons are able to be made with the previous month, the % price change at the national level is reported and classified. The change is classified as high if month-to-month changes is between 10 - 25% and severe if > 25%.

Access the data directly on HDX and find additional datasets and context on the WFP website.

Signals detection

We generate signals if we detect month-to-month change in a location classifed as high or severe and the previous month-to-month change was at a lower classification.


Libya: high change int he cost of hte food basket detected in early 2021.

Syrian Arab Republic: severe change in the cost of the food basket detected in mid-2023.

Last updated